Hunsur: As per the guideline issued by the Kashag, the Tibetan settlement of Rabgayling in Hunsur, Karnataka, hosted a brief ceremony to celebrate the 86th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 6 July. The ceremony was attended by local dignitaries while the general public was requested not to participate due to Covid restrictions.
As part of the birthday celebration, Gyumed monastery based in the settlement provided dry rations, sanitisers, and facemasks worth 15 Lakhs to the residents of the settlement. One hundred and thirteen (113) saplings were also planted on the day.
Dzongkar Choede monastery also provided relief to needy Tibetans in the settlement. They also provided relief to 113 residents of nearby Indian villages. Moreover, dry rations worth three lakh were provided to around 1000 residents of Hunsur town through Shri HP Manjunath, MLA. Another 113 saplings were planted on the day by the monastery.
The residents of the settlement also collectively recited the six-syllable Chenresig mantra for a total of 43,40,513 times.