Education department concludes the third mentor workshop on Secular Ethics

Mundgod: The Department of Education in collaboration with Drepung Losel Ling Center for Meditation and Science and Emory University organised the third mentor workshop on Secular Ethics (Social, Emotional & Ethical Learning) from 15 to 18 January 2020 at Drepung Losel Ling Center for Meditation and Science.

The four-day workshop was facilitated by a team of experts from Emory University including Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Tsondue Samphel and Christa Tinari.

Around 48 participants hailing from 33 Tibetan schools, two Tibetan colleges, two monastic schools and few other individuals participated in the event.

The four-day workshop covered wide range of topics including the training goal, workshop overview, learning objectives, concept of SEE Learning, framework overview, history & development of the framework, added values of SEE Learning, scope & sequence of curriculum, structure of a SEE Learning experience, pedagogical model, creating a compassionate learning environment, components & enduring capabilities, mindful dialogues, compassion, building resilience, autonomic nervous system, sensations, emotions, attention, and interdependence.

The workshop began with brief opening remarks by Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Geshe Thupten Loden, Geshe Tenzin Palden, Mrs Tenzin Pema followed by the actual workshop sessions.

To bring critical insight into the subject matters, the entire workshop sessions included relevant activities. The participants were asked to fill up feedback forms at the end of the everyday workshop, and based on the feedback received and to address the needs of the participants on daily basis, the facilitators brought necessary changes in their next day programme accordingly.

The third mentor workshop on Secular Ethics (Social, Emotional & Ethical Learning) co-organised by the Department of Education, Drepung Losel Ling Center for Meditation and Science and Emory University underway at Drepung Losel Ling Center for Meditation and Science.

The closing ceremony was presided by Geshe Lobsang Samten, Abbot of Drepung Losel Ling Monastery as the guest of honour. In his concluding remarks, he reminded everyone that the very founder of Secular Ethics as a vast subject is none other than His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama, and any initiative towards the study and implementation of this by anyone, especially the Central Tibetan Administration, will be happily supported by the monastery and its Meditation and Science Center.

Additionally, during the closing ceremony, two representatives of the participants expressed their feelings and opinions about the workshop followed by a short briefing about the workshop to the chief guest. Finally, all the participants were distributed SEE Learning companion, SEE Learning curriculum and Triple focus.

The organizer too collected feedback from the participants, one before the workshop began and one after the end of the workshop. All the participants are very much inspired and wish to practice the curriculum in their respective schools.

The workshop has been kindly funded by Fonds De Dotation Mon Kontan Ou, France.
-Filed by Department of Education

Participants of the third mentor workshop on Secular Ethics (Social, Emotional & Ethical Learning) with the resource persons and organisers.

Participants of the third mentor workshop on Secular Ethics.

