Youth Empowerment Support

1. Trainees at Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Selaqui, Dehradun
2. Trainees at Industrial Training Institue (ITI) Selaqui, Dehradun
3. Trainees at Industrial Training Insittute (ITI) Sleaqui, Dehradun
Beautuican and Hairdressing Training at ISTL- 20-05-2013
Group Photo of Home Kalon and Home Secretary with Jawed Habib - 03-06-2013
Group photo with Home Kalon and Home Secretary - ISTL - 21-05-2013
Home Kalon Gayri Dolma''s Visit to ISTL - 20-06-2013
Home Kalon Gyari Dolma with Jawed Habib - 03-06-2013
YES section head Kunchok Dhondup's visit to ISTL - 20-05-2013
Computer Instructor Tsering Choezom in class
Computer Instructor Tsering Choezom in discssion with students
Computer Instructor Tsering Choezom teaching photoshop
Counseling class in TCC Mcleod Ganj
Hairdressing Teacher Tashi Samdup with students
Hairdressing Teacher Tashi Samdup with students2
Motivational program at Hairdressing class
Motivational program at TCC Mcleod Ganj


With the increasing number of school and college dropouts which in a way lead to rising rate of unemployment in our Tibetan community, it was felt necessary to provide vocational employable skills trainings to the unemployed Tibetan youths to make them self-reliant. The ever increasing population of unemployed youths has become a serious issue in the Tibetan community and it is increasingly difficult for the school dropouts to find a decent livelihood without an institutional support. In most of the Tibetan settlements, a large part of workforce remains either idle or not engaging in any meaningful livelihood oriented activities. This situation puts the community at risk from threats of alcoholism, drug abuse, and other socially undesirable activities. It is therefore necessary to provide the unemployed youths with skills training and encourage them to set up small enterprises through micro-credit facility to make them engaged and become contributing member of the community.

The program for addressing issues of unemployed Tibetan youths was initially launched as Promotional Agency for Development of Micro Enterprises (PADME) by the then Planning Council of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in 1997. The responsibility for the management of the program was later given to the Central Tibetan Relief Committee (CTRC) on 7th April 2003 and Youth Empowerment Support (YES) Section came into being as a result.

The main objective of the YES program is to promote gainful employment to the unemployed Tibetan youths in settlements who are school dropouts or have failed to complete their formal education by providing them with relevant skills training and start-up loans for setting up of micro-enterprises in the settlements. Click on the following relevant TABs for more:

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) has very actively funded skills training and alternative employment generation programs of the CTRC from 1998 to 2016. The YES program is currently being fully supported and funded by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under a program to strengthen self-reliance and resilience of Tibetan communities in south Asia.


Every-year, the Department of Home selects a batch of Tibetan youth who are seriously interested in pursuing long term skill training course at TCV administered Tibetan Private Industrial Training Institute (ITI) based in Selakui, Dehradun.

The institute offers Secretarial practice, food production general, bakery and confectionery, food & beverage, spa therapy, basic cosmetology, wire-man, mechanic motor vehicle and carpenter/ technical allied.

The Department of Home will announce the training program opportunity through the settlement offices, official news channel and media. The application will be scrutinized and selection will be done.

The internship, placement, food and hostel facility are also provided.

Trade Types Skill Training Courses Qualification (minimum)
TECHNICAL TRADES: Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) 10th Pass
Wireman 10th Pass
Carpenter & Allied Trade 10th Pass
HOTEL TRADES Food Production General 10th Pass
Food & Beverage Services 10th Pass
Bakery & Confectionery 10th Pass
SERVICE TRADES Secretarial Practice 10+2 Pass
Basic Cosmetology / Spa 10 Pass
Note: as per information shown in their site < >


S.No: Courses Training FEE ( ₹ ) (pm x duration) Fee Payment ( ₹ )
per month Duration
Total Fee
of Home
Total Fee
1 Secretarial Practice 4,500.00 18 m 81,000.00 63,000.00 18,000.00 81,000.00
2 Basic Cosmetology / Spa 4,500.00 18 m 81,000.00 63,000.00 18,000.00 81,000.00
3 Food Production General 4,500.00 20 m 90,000.00 70,000.00 20,000.00 90,000.00
4 Bakery & Confectionery 4,500.00 20 m 90,000.00 70,000.00 20,000.00 90,000.00
5 Food & Beverage 4,500.00 20 m 90,000.00 70,000.00 20,000.00 90,000.00
6 Wire-Man 4,500.00 27 m 121,500.00 94,500.00 27,000.00 121,500.00
7 Mechanic Motor Vehicle 4,500.00 27 m 121,500.00 94,500.00 27,000.00 121,500.00
8 Carpenter/Technical Allied 4,500.00 27 m 121,500.00 94,500.00 27,000.00 121,500.00
Note: (m) = month; (pm) = per month;
NOTE: Download your Application and Forms from “Downloads” main menu.