Completion Report on Sumdho Cement Concrete Road Project

Project Overview: The Chief Representative Office of Sonamling Tibetan Settlement requested the Department of Home, CTA Dharamsala, to address the condition of the Sumdho main entrance road in Jangthang, a remote area. Under the leadership of Sikyong Mr. Penpa Tsering, the project was sanctioned for the year 2024-25.

Project Details:

  • Project Name: Sumdho Cement Concrete Road Project
  • Location: Jangthang, Sumdho
  • Year Sanctioned: 2024-25
  • Project Duration: May 2024 – August 2024

Project Execution: A sub-project committee consisting of 11 members was formed to oversee the implementation of the project. Work commenced in May 2024 and was completed by early August 2024. This project is the first of its kind for the internal main entrance road in Jangthang Sumdho.

Features and Outcomes:

  • Road Conditions: The road was initially very narrow and lacked proper walkways. The newly constructed road now provides a safer and cleaner environment.
  • Safety Improvements: The new cement concrete road addresses the safety issues associated with the narrow sides, reducing the risk of road accidents.
  • Oversight: The project was supervised by a group leader, and the site engineer conducted three visits to ensure quality and adherence to project specifications.

Community Impact: The residents of Sumdho are highly satisfied with the outcome of the project. The improved road conditions have enhanced both the safety and aesthetic appeal of the area.

Acknowledgements: The project committee expresses sincere gratitude to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and the Department of Home for their swift sanctioning of this crucial project. The successful completion was achieved through the cooperative efforts of both the Sumdho Committee and the sub-committee of the Chief Representative Office (CRO).

Budget and Agreements:

  • Total Budget: 1,542,605.00
  • Contractor Agreement:  1,177,783.00

Conclusion: The Sumdho Cement Concrete Road Project has significantly improved the infrastructure of Jangthang, providing a safer and more accessible route for the local community. The collaborative effort between various stakeholders has been instrumental in the successful completion of this project.


Mr.Dhondup Tashi

Chief Representative Officer

Sonamling Tibetan Settlment

UT Ladakh

