Claude Arpi Deccan Chronicle 16 June 2021
The issue of the Dalai Lama’s succession has been in the news for quite some time, especially after the Tibetan diaspora elected Penpa Tsering as the new “Sikyong”, or president; incidentally, this election must have irritated no end Communist China that always proclaims its “superior”, though undemocratic, system of governance to the world, especially on the occasion of the centenary of the Communist Party of China in July.
During an interaction with the Tibetan media, the Sikyong, who heads the Tibetan government-in-exile based in Dharamsala, said after taking the oath on May 27 that he already had three video audiences with the Dalai Lama, who “expressed his wish to visit China and Tibet. He has this wish for a long time”, Mr Tsering told Tibetan journalists.
Visiting China may not be a great idea now, but it’s up to the Tibetan supreme leader and for his people to decide.
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