PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT : Construction of RCC Retaining Wall


Project Title:  Construction of RCC Retaining Wall
Funded By:  TAWS, CTA Dharamsala
Project Location: Kullu Youlokoe Tibetan Colony
Project Total Cost:  Rs: 7,946,617/-
Beneficiary Contribution: Rs: 1,191,993/-
Project Duration:
Starting Date: 12th April 2024, Completion Date: 08th July 2024


The construction project of RCC retaining wall at Kullu Youlokoe Tibetan colony was approved in the budget proposal of 2024-2025 financial year. The project was commenced on 12th April and a total budget for the project is Rs 7,946,617/- out of which 15% on total project value Rs 1,191,993/-was born by stake holders (beneficiary contribution) and remaining amount Rs 6,754,624/- was funded by the Tibetan Administration Welfare Society (TAWS) through Department of Home. After the approval the project committee consisting of six members passed a resolution towards construction of RCC retaining wall at Kullu Youlokoe Tibetan colony and has mutually decided to appoint contractor Rimat Ram to carry out the project based on lowest tender submission. A legal agreement was signed between the contractor and Settlement officer on behalf of TAWS.

Project Objectives:

The construction of an RCC retaining wall is indeed a priority to protect the Tibetan residents and their properties from frequent occurrence of flash flood during the rainy season. Ensuring safety and security from such vulnerable natural disasters is the main objective of this project.


The RCC retaining wall construction at Kullu Youlokoe Tibetan Colony is a highly constructive project for the community as it is located right at the edges between Sarwari and Beas rivers. Due to several unpredictable flash flood incidents, the construction of RCC retaining wall prevents overflowing of flash flood and it is also effective in protecting the colony especially during the rainy season. The people of Kullu Tibetan community feel much safer and thankful for this project. This project has achieved tremendous success in relieving our most concerning issue and our people along with Settlement office Staff have witnessed the ongoing progress until the completion of this project. Hence, we would like to extend our warm regards and heartfelt gratitude to Tibetan Administration Welfare Society (TAWS), for funding and supporting this project accordingly.

