Project Completion Report: Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement, Himachal Pradesh

Project Title: Road Retaining Wall Construction
Project Year: (2023-24)
Funded By: CTRC, Dharamshala
Project Location:  Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement, P.O Kotla-Panjola, Tehsil   Pachhad, Distt-Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh (INDIA)
Project Total Cost:    Rs: 12, 92,000.00 (Rupees Twelve Lakh Ninety-Two Thousand Only)
Starting Date: 15th January 2024.
Completion Date: 25th March 2024


The construction of a road retaining wall in the settlement is a necessity, as this year’s storm, which produced extremely heavy rains, caused landslides that wrecked about 3.5 kilometers of road between the Tibetan Bonpo Settlement of Dolanji and Chandoli at 4 different locations. This caused all automobile traffic to stop and even prevented pedestrians from using the road. The nunnery monastery is located in Chandoli, which made the situation particularly difficult for walking, especially during emergencies. The road retaining wall construction started on January 15, 2023, and was supposed to be completed by March 18, 2024, as per the agreement. However, due to weather circumstances, the completion date needed to be extended to March 25, 2023, under the supervision of a board member and with timely site visits by office staff. The project kicked off according to the plan and agreement laid out between the Tibetan Settlement Officer and the contractor, Rachin Chaudhary, from Nauni, Distt-Solan.


The road retaining wall construction at Tibetan Bonpo Settlement, Dolanji, is a highly constructive project for the community. Especially, it prevents landslides and is effective in making sloped areas functional during the rainy season. The people of our community no longer have problems walking from the other side of the mountain, called Chandoli, to the monastery, which the river has separated our community into two sides, even though we are in the same area. It has retained backfill and maintains a difference in elevation between the two ground surfaces. This is effective in tackling the problem of landslides, especially in our hilly area, by stabilizing the fill slopes and cut slopes. This project has achieved tremendous success in relieving our most concerning issue and has saved numerous lives by preventing accidents and allowing free movement for automobiles and pedestrians. There is no longer any worry about landslides during the monsoon season. Our people have witnessed the ongoing progress until the completion of this project, and they greatly Central Tibetan Administration for ensuring that our home remains a secure and well-maintained place to live. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to CTRC, for financing and coordinating this project respectively.

Thanking You,
Yours sincerely,
Tenzin Chophel (Mr.)
Bonpo Settlement Officer

Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 1 (after Completion) -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 1 (after Completion) -2
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 1, Dolanji (Before) -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 1, Dolanji (Before) -2
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 2 Completion -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 2 Completion -2
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 3 Dolanji, After completion -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 3 Dolanji, After completion -2
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 3 Dolanji, After completion -3
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 4 (before) -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 4 After Completion -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 4 After Completion -2
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 5 After Completion -1
Road Retaining Wall Construction in Dolanji, Tibetan Bonpo Settlement - Road 5 After Completion -2

