Handover successfully completed between Northeast Chief and Darjeeling Administrator Dorje Rinzin and Acting Secretary Tenzin Rangdol.

As per the administrative directive of the 16th Kashag of the Central Tibetan Administration, Dorje Rigzin, the Lugsum Regional Administrator, has been appointed as both the Northeast Chief Representative and the Darjeeling Regional Administrator. This appointment is to facilitate assistance and support for Tibetans residing in West Bengal and other northeastern states of India, as well as to enhance regular communication with relevant officials.

For the purpose of the handover between Dorje Rigzin and Tenzin Rangdol, the Acting Secretary of the Darjeeling Regional Administration, the Department of Home Affairs appointed Joint Secretary Migmar Dorje as the handover witness. The handover process officially began on August 1, 2024, and was successfully completed on August 4, 2024.

