Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic across India, many people have been stranded in different states and cities far away from their home due to the lock-down announced by the Indian government in March to check the spread of the Covid-19. Subsequently the Tibetan Settlements Offices under Department of Home have made sure to enforce the Covid-19 lock-down guidelines as per the directive of the Kashag.
With the relaxation and lifting of the Covid-19 lock-down restrictions across the Indian states, many Tibetan people who were previously stranded in different settlements and cities have finally been able to travel back to their respective settlements. The Tibetan Settlement Offices across India, Nepal and Bhutan acting as per the guidelines issued by Kashag, CTA are taking necessary measures to keep a detailed record of the time of arrival of the people from other states and to ensure that the people are put under quarantine period.
According to the latest updates received from the settlements offices, a total of 1119 Tibetans have reached their respective settlements and their details are as under.
Note: The stranded list is updated as of 22nd June, 2020.