Construction project of Old Age Home, Chauntra, HP-75032- June 2023


From May 27th to 4th July 2023, Site report and conducted a site assessment of a 2-story building located at the old age home in Chauntra. During these months site supervision with the old age home manager (Mr. Rinzin la). At site labour are working seven days a week from 8:00am to 6:00pm.


Our findings from site supervision are described below. Site photo on May 27,2023 (fig.1) and site photo on July 4,2023 (fig.2). For curing the concrete and bricks, water is the most important element. To have batter result as we request Mr. Mishra ji appoint a person on duty to water all building 8:00am to 6:00pm. To have a better joint between concrete and bricks they use fiber jali, which prevents the crake between two different elements.

Roof Slab and Beams:

On the 30th of May, we cast first floor slab and beams (fig.3). It’s quite a rainy day and luckily, we finished on time. While casting slab and beam I checked rebar as per structural-design or specification (fig.4). They build 230mm x 230mm RCC where there is a contract between roof and beam at inner side (fig.5), As per architect direction.

Brick work:

On 2nd of June,2023 they complete the changes that as been marked on previous site visit by (DOH) Department of Homes and Architect office (Fig.6). First floor brick work has start on 20 May 2023 till sell level as a first phase. Second phase has begin on 23rd of June,2023.


On 5th of June,2023, they start plastering the ground floor. Around 24th June, they finished the ground floor and start the external walls with chosen texture plaster (fig.7). They provide chajja with drip mould.

Metal Roof:

The roof system consists of a metal roof resting directly on the concrete beam and a silicate calcium board resting on the beam. The person who installed roof, they constructed the roof in who stage.

First stage on 18th June,2023, they complete the roof framework and deliver the materials. Second stage on 28th June,2023 they finished all roof and layout for false celling (Silicate Calcium Board) (fig.8)


On 3rd June,2023 Studio Nyandak site visit (fig.9). Both party share construction knowledge, how to improve the construction methods and techniques in upcoming project.

On 29th June,2023 Department of Home (DOH) and Architect site visit, to visualize the progress of the site. We had discussion and finalized tile and railing.

On-site measured documents:

For the record we finished checking measurement of ground and first floor brick works. RCC work up to roof slab TOR rebar and concrete M20 quantity has been work out. The wooden door frame has been measured and documented.


This report was prepared with information gathered from inspections during construction. As-built drawings and original construction blueprints were made available to us. Construction blueprint, materials, structural analysis of the building were used for this report.

Tin roof and beams-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Site visit from Studio Nyandak-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Front façade texture plaster-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Front façade on 27th May,2023-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
front façade on 4th July,2023-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
False celling (Silicate Calcium Board)-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Casting slab-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Brick work first floor-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra
Tin roof and beams-Construction project of Old Age Home-Chauntra

