Construction of Retaining Wall of Gapa Tibetan Settlement, Kamrao

Project Report: Construction of Retaining Wall

Project Location: Gapa Tibetan Settlement, Kamrao

Donor: CTRC, Dharamshala

Beneficiary: Kamrao Tibetan Settlers

Project Cost: INR 8, 69,100

Project Duration: 2nd May 2024 – 25th August 2024

Agreement Date: 2nd May 2024

Project Duration in Agreement: 3 months


Retaining Wall

This particular project is based on full contract which basically started on May 2024 and finished on august 2024. The project involves the construction of a retaining wall to prevent soil erosion and manage land stability. The retaining wall is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the surrounding area of Tibetan settlement as it is situated on hilly region and more prone towards land slide especially during monsoon season.

Building a sturdy retaining wall will give residents greater security and peace of mind during heavy seasonal rains. This wall will significantly reduce the risk of flooding and protect homes, helping to prevent damage and loss of life. By enhancing the area’s resilience to future storms, we can create a safer environment for the Tibetan community, ensuring their well-being and security in challenging weather conditions.

Before Construction:

During Construction:

  • Conclusion

The construction of the retaining wall was completed successfully, despite weather-related delays and some changes in the field. The project met all safety and quality standards, ensuring the stability and durability of the structure. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to CTRC for their generous financial support and dedicated coordination of this project. Your contributions have been invaluable, and we truly appreciate your commitment to making a positive impact.

Project Report Submitted by:                                            Verified by :


Pema Wangchen (Mr)                                                           Tenzin Rinchen

Secretary Cum Accountant                                                TSO / Project Executing Officer

