Kamrao Gapa Tibetan Settlement Road renovation and retaining wall Project funded by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Dharamsala for the Financial Year 2020-21 was successfully implemented by the Tibetan Settlement Office despite the outbreak of the Wuhan originated Covid-19 pandemic. Honourable Home Kalon Khorlatsang Sonam Topgyal inaugurated through virtual program in the presence of Home Secretary, Mrs. Tsewang Dolma Shosur on 21st October 2020 along with the various section heads of Home department and Gapa Welfare society members as well.
Mr. Rapten Tsering, Settlement officer highlighted the aims and objectives of the project and expressed heartfelt gratitude to CTA for the generous funding. The Project has fulfilled the wishes of the settlers and the local people will also benefit from this Project as it will make make transportation easier.
Home Executive Secretary, Mrs. Tsewang Dolma Shosur officially inaugurated the road renovation and retaining wall Project through virtual program followed by her valuable address to the gathering. The ceremony concluded with words of thanks proposed by Mrs. Tseten Bhuti Drawu, former Tibetan Parliament in exile (TPiE) cum President of Kamrao Gapa Tibetan welfare Society.
Filed by Tibetan Settlement Office, Kamrao