Lingtsang, Munduwala


This Colony was established in the year 1974 and its located at Manduwala which is 16 kms from Dehradun city. It is a Registered Society which represents a small group of Tibetan Refugees settlers from Kham Lingtsang community of Lingtsang kingdom of Kham region in Eastern Tibet.  It has a total land of 25 Acres purchased by Lingtsang King with the assistance of the State Government and CTA Dharamsala (H.P).  The main source of livelihood of the Colony is based on small scale handmade metal craft manufacturing Tibetan Buddhist religious items such as Drilbu / Tingshak/ Phurpa etc.  The colony has a few monasteries like Ngor Evam Choden Gonpa, Sakya College for Nuns, Dzogchen Shri Singh Thekchen Dongag Choeling, Palpung Kunkhyab Choeling and Za Mongyal Yundrungling (Bon).  It also has a School named Ling Ghesar Primary School.  It has population of 251 members. It has a good football ground.

Settlement Location:

The settlement is located at Manduwala village of Dehradun Distt. Uttarakhand state of India. The topography of the area is flat plain with altitude of 2730ft above sea level. The average temperature of the settlement is 8.52° to 33° centigrade and average rainfall is 15 to 20 inches.

Settlement Population:

Initial Population:
Present population

Settler’s Livelihood:

Thus, main source of livelihoods of the settlers are entirely based on small scale and hand made metal-crafts producing mainly religious items such as cymbal, lamp, trumpet etc and small business.

Facilities in the settlement

School one primaryschool upto class V.
Health facilities The settlement has one health clinic. A doctor from Dekyling Tibetan settlement visits once a month in the settlement.
Monastery There are three monastery

1) Nyingmapa Monastery
2) Sakya Monastery
3) Bonpo Monastery.

Traveling Mode

Nearest Railway station Dehraun 12km from settlement
Bus and Taxi services Yes

Contact Address

Tibetan Kham Lingstang Society
P.O. Manduwala
Via Prem Nagar
Distt. Dehradun
Uttarakhand – UK


Please visit the separate listings for settlements in Nepal and Bhutan.
