Secretary Palden Dhondup-Led Delegation of Home Department Visit Dhondenling Settlement, Kollegal

Kollegal: Palden Dhondup, Secretary of the Department of Home,Chief Representative Officer Jigme Tsultrim, Tibetan Settlement Officers Guru Nyima of Lugsum and Chemi Dorjee of Dikyi Larsoe, Joint Secretary and Section Head of Southern Tibetan Settlements, Tenzin Kunsang, Joint Secretary Tsering Dorjee, Head of the Agriculture & Cooperative section arrived at Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement on June 8, 2023.

The delegation accompanied by Settlement Officer Gelek Jungney of Kollegal visited the Old Peoples’ Home and interacted with elders. In the afternoon, an informal meeting was held with the heads of the official and non-official organisations and staff of the Settlement Office, Co-operative Society, Men-Tsee-Khang, and hospital staff and nurses regarding the sustainability of settlement. They visited the citrus field and elephant trench area, followed by visits to the indoor gym, Mentsee Khang, and the hospital, a unit of the Department of Health.

Filed by the Settlement Office, Kollegal

Secretary Palden Dhondup of the Department of Home arrives at Dhondenling Tibetan Settlement.
Old Peoples’ Home.
Addressing the gathering.
Men-Tsee-Khang clinic.
Primary Health Care Centre.
Citrus field and elephant trench area.

