The Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration announced the disbursement of donations received towards reconstruction and recovery of Dalhousie Tibetan Handicraft after massive fire breakout that took place on the 4th of Sept 2019 around 10.30 pm. This unfortunate and tragic incident has affected Handicraft Society and its shareholders with a total of 440 dependent family members. It has left them both financially and emotionally traumatized.
As per the appeal of the Home Department, various organizations and NGOs including the Tibetans in diaspora from India, Nepal, and Bhutan have come together and made humble contributions.
Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Home, Tibetan Settlements spread across India, Nepal and Bhutan have raised and donated ₹ 15,28,719 to recover the losses.
Taking this opportunity, the Department of Home would like to appreciate the overwhelming generosity of all the donors and in future wherever such incidents happen we sincerely request the continuation of all of our donors’ unstinting support.