Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, we have completed the emergency relief program funded by PRM (US.) in July which covers the one time food security and additional stipends for three months. The relief fund has been successfully disbursed to the elders and destitute proving highly beneficial in this unprecedented times.
This has enormously impacted the destitute in this critical period and we are highly indebted to our donors for their indispensable support extended throughout the program. We also believe this would not have been possible without the continuous cooperation and response from our Tibetan settlement officers. We have released in total INR 74, 31,789/- to 1414 beneficiaries in 38 Tibetans Settlements in India and Bhutan. Out of the total relief assistance, the emergency stipend amounts to INR 48, 45,000. Some pictures taken while distributing the relief assistance are as under:
- Distribution of Emergency Stipends to the Destitute category B (Elders) and D (DOHe)
2. Management activities carried out in Old People’s Homes:
Here in the Elders Home, all the preventive measures have been taken and are still being strictly implemented. All the COVID-19 essentials are purchased and utilised to ensure a healthy environment for the elderly people. The total amount released is INR. 25, 86,789 which covers the emergency programs in the 13 Elders Home. This includes all the basic Dry rations, supplements and health kits. All the activities are being managed and monitored by the OPH incharge and staffs including the biweekly sanitization within the Elders Home.
3. Pictures taken during distribution of COVID-19 Essential items by PRM (U.S) in NGO Elders Homes in India
- D. Pictures Taken During OPH Sanitization