The Department of Home was established in 1960 and it is one of the first Departments to be established and given the huge important task of coordinating relief and rehabilitation works for thousands of Tibetan refugees who fled from Tibet to neighbouring countries of India, Nepal and Bhutan. In 1981, by considering the expanding works of Department, and to give legal standing to its activities, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Central Tibetan Relief Committee (CTRC) was formed and registered as Charitable Society under Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and effectively acts as the Relief and Development Wing of Home Department, Central Tibetan Administration.
The main objective of the committee is to co-ordinate Individual, Voluntary Agencies and Indian Government’s efforts to rehabilitating and settling Tibetan Refugees. It also assists and promotes the upliftment of the poor, needy, backward, under privilaged individuals and making the Tibetan settlement viable and sustainable.
CTRC members comprising of a representative from each 58 settlements and other key individuals elect the Board of Directors. All the CTRC activities are carried out with consent and support from Board of Directors and approval from Assembly of the Tibetan People’s Deputies (Tibetan Parliament in Exile – TPiE). The Settlement Officers are directly accountable to the CTRC in implementing the projects while major responsible of fund raising and general project Administration including evaluation and monitoring are carried out by CTRC.
The Foreign Contribution Regulation Amendment Ordinance, 1984, was promulgated by the President of India on October 20, 1984. It required all associations/organisations receiving foreign contributions to register with Home Ministry, Government of India. It stipulates that account of foreign contribution and utilization of the contribution must be audited by a registered chartered accountant. Therefore, the CTRC was registered on February 24, 1985 and was assigned registration number 182450005/85 under the section 6(1)(a) of the foreign contribution (Regulation) Act. All reports and the accounts of fund received by the CTRC are submitted to the Home Ministry, Government of India, and comply in accordance with established procedure.
Guided by the wisdom of charismatic leaders, The Tibetan people, with aid and support, created a rare success story among the exile experiences. Dedicating with gratitude, this achievement to the generous help from Individual, organisations and governments, CTRC resolves to play its role for the exiled Tibetan Community. With forethought, CTRC also registered under Foreign Contribution Act with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India permitting us to receive donation in cash or kind for development purposes. Due to the lack of tax base we are compelled to seek help in pursuing our mission and vision. Your philanthropic contributions shall be graciously welcomed, thanked, accounted for, and put to the best use.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Central Tibetan Relief Committee (CTRC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare and socio-economic development of the 140,000 Tibetan refugees exiled in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The committee is registered under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, India.
Projects we support ranges from building homes and sponsorship for the elderly, agriculture and cooperative development, youth empowerment support, and different dimension of infrastructure like construction and renovation of houses, roads etc.
We Tibetans in exile raise over one third of our total development infrastructure, this without a tax base, no land ownership and little official recognition. So, we remain dependent on the kindness and generosity of individuals, governments and organizations for implementing our projects.
Please consider supporting our cause.
The Central Tibetan Relief Committee:
- Is the relief wing of the Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
- Includes members from each of the 53 Tibetan settlements in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
- Is dedicated to preserving the cultural and religious heritage of Tibet and building and maintaining sustainable, democratic communities in exile.
- Is dependent on generous international assistance from governments, especially India, Nepal and Bhutan, philanthropic organizations and individuals.
- Needs your help. We seek your engagement in the process of reinventing an organic agricultural base for our settlements suited to the 21st century realities.