Ladakh: Project Completion Report: Painting, Repairing of Plumbing Work & Construction of Composite Toilet for Staff Residence at CRO, Sonamling Tibetan Settlement

Project Details:

  • Project Objective: The project aimed to enhance the living conditions of staff members residing at the Chief Representative Office (CRO) by renovating their quarters. This involved painting the residences, repairing plumbing systems, and constructing composite toilets for improved sanitation.
  • Location: CRO Campus, Sonamling Tibetan Settlement, UT Ladakh.
  • Total Budget: ₹376,527.00 (Three Lakh Seventy-Six Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-Seven Only).
  • Donor Agency: Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration (CTA).
  • Year of Completion: 2024.

Background: The Chief Representative Office, Sonamling Tibetan Settlement, accommodates two appointed civil servants from the Central Tibetan Administration who have been transferred to Ladakh under challenging weather conditions. The staff quarters and CRO residence had not undergone painting for a considerable period, and the washroom facilities were in a state of disrepair. Addressing these issues was crucial for ensuring the well-being and effectiveness of the civil servants serving in remote areas, particularly during harsh winters.

Project Implementation: Under the direct authorization of the Department of Home, CTA, the unutilized funds were allocated for this project, recognizing the urgent need for renovations. The project committee of Sonamling Tibetan Office oversaw the planning and execution of the project. The primary tasks included painting the staff quarters, repairing damaged pipelines, and constructing composite toilets.

Completion and Achievements: The project was successfully completed in March 2024 through the collaborative efforts of the project committee. The renovations and upgrades have significantly improved the living conditions for the staff members, enhancing their comfort and well-being. The completion of the project aligns with the objective of providing essential facilities to support civil servants in serving remote communities effectively.

Acknowledgments: We extend our sincere gratitude to the Department of Home, CTA, for their unwavering support and approval of the budget allocation for this welfare project. We also appreciate the dedication and teamwork of the project committee members who contributed to the successful completion of the project.

This project stands as a testament to the commitment of the Central Tibetan Administration to prioritize the welfare of its staff members, ensuring conducive living environments even in challenging terrains and weather conditions.