Kham Kathok, Sataun: Project Completion Report of Local Assembly Hall Painting.

Project Name Local Assembly Hall Painting
Project Location Kham Kathok Tibetan Settlement, Sataun
Project Manager Mr. Dhenmatsang Sonam Wangdu, Settlement Officer
Project Sponsor German Aid to Tibetans (GAT)
Actual Start Date 20.12.2023
Finish Date 05.01.2024
Actual Budget 55,000
Number of Beneficiary 215 Approx.
Project Beneficiary All the settlers


Summary of Sataun LTA Hall Whitewash Project:

The much-needed whitewashing of the Local Assembly Hall (LTA) has been successfully completed, with the generous support and assistance received from the German Aid to Tibetans (GAT). By implementing this project, we have fulfilled the desire of our settlement, as the hall was built back in 2012 and had not undergone whitewashing for almost ten years.

The LTA Hall serves as the meeting room where the Local Assembly convenes biannually to discuss and enhance the welfare of the settlement and its residents.

Furthermore, the whitewashing has transformed the environment, providing a fresh atmosphere. I am confident that this will encourage local assembly members and TSO staff to contribute new ideas for the overall improvement and welfare of the settlement.

Therefore, the completion of the whitewashing of the Local Tibetan Assembly Hall (LTA) has finally realized the long-standing wishes of the settlement. We express our gratitude to GAT for their financial support and to the Department of Home, CTA for their timely assistance in response to our request.

Prepared by:
Dhenmatsang Sonam Wangdu (Mr.)
Sataun Settlement Officer