Chauntra Project Completion Report: Construction of Rooftop Shed over Community Hall.

Total Cost of Project: 7, 00,000/-(Seven Lakh Only)

Project Location: Chauntra Nangchen

Funded by:  German Aid to Tibetan (GAT)
Start of the project: 10th October 2023
End of the project: 27th February 2024
Status: Complete

Project description and progress:

Roof shed construction over the Nangchen Chauntra Community Hall was completed successfully within the timeframe specified in the Contract Agreement. With this project, we can protect our community hall from deterioration during the rough monsoon season and extend the period of property. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsor German Aid to Tibetan (GAT) for believing on us and allowing us to keep doing what we do. Without their generous support, this project would not be possible.